February 18, 2020 -- Coffee with the Principal
Post date: Feb 20, 2020 6:29:16 PM
RDLS 5th grade choir sang beautifully! Thank you Sra. Taylor.
Will Wlizlo - Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Contact information - happy to receive emails!
Who is this person?
Funded by the MN Dept. of Transportation, 3 year position
Is it a MN thing?
National program, with routes in MN
Has programs across the state
What is Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
Students learn pedestrian and bicycle skills in gym classes
Community education and awareness
Giving students and parents incentives to bike or walk to school
Changing the built environment to make it more safe for anyone to walk or bike to school
Secured grant funding for a study on the traffic flow and infrastructure of school arrivals and departures at all Richfield Schools - will take place in spring.
Program is based on good data; parents’ perception of safety, speed of vehicles on school routes, etc.
Crossing guards, safety patrols, partnering with SROs, school policies that support walking and biking to school
Ensure that all of the benefits of this work are enjoyed by everyone!
How can you get involved?
Safe Routes to School Committee - will be looking for members
School-specific working groups
Help during SRTS events like “Bike to School Day”
Share your insights and ideas
Ask Will questions about anything bike-related!
Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Old plan is sunsetting (2015-2020)
"Richfield Realized" - new strategic plan
Future planning dates:
Anyone can attend!
3/19/2020 - 5:30-8:00pm -- Richfield High School cafeteria
4/22/2020 - 5:30-8:00pm -- Richfield High School Cafeteria
Meetings include dinner and childcare
Process of developing the plan
Large group community meetings to gather input, feedback, and recommendations
Specialized committees to gather further input
Compiling and organizing the feedback
Included in the 2015-2020 plan?
Richfield public schools inspires and empowers each individual to learn, grow, and excel.
Strategic Plan Goals
Strategic Plan Strategies
Strategic Plan Measures
Branding materials
Brand messages
REAL COMMUNITY: caring community, rich in diversity and relationships
PERSONALIZED LEARNING: rigorous, relevant, and engaged learning for each student
RICH OPPORTUNITIES: inspiring possibilities through academics, arts, music, athletics, and activities
INNOVATION IN ACTION: transforming how we teach, redefining school
When you think of RPS for the next 5 years, what would be your top priorities?
Communication & Marketing
Climate & Culture
Business & Operations
If you cannot attend a community engagement session, you can submit comments anonymously here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7rGNEOfMI7Uw8m7wnXOAcUDdCe0nWzCN-fDd2_IrE8dXc5g/viewform
You can find more information on the strategic plan process here: https://www.richfieldschools.org/domain/156