May 21st, 2019 - Meeting Minutes
Post date: May 22, 2019 7:17:55 PM
Board Nominees and Voting for 2019-2020
We have the ballot, which we will not hand out unless we need to.
We open the floor for someone to nominate themselves or nominate someone else. No nominees added.
We have 3 open positions -
Roxana Bailey- spanish speaking co-president
Katie Gross - Fundraising Coordinator - she was on the team
Luis De la Riva - Volunteer coordinator
Motion accepted and seconded
Our board is very committed to having Spanish speaking members.
In order to transition the board, Roxana Bailey will need to be added to the RBCU account as Spanish-speaking co-president.
Sra. Marta’s announcements
Amities for the fall - confirmed 3 young women from Spain. They have experience with young children. Our 4th candidate we will get in mid-June to decide if we would like to approve one more.
Amity coordinator - Christine Waltz - connect host families with amities - we need to find a new coordinator because Christine has stepped down. If you are interested, please let me or Christine know.
Will there be 1 amity at RMS? Yes- the coordinator can do both RDLS and RMS, or one coordinator for each school.
We have confirmed host families for the 3 amities
Non-returning teachers -
Julie Knopp, K - took a job traveling, we have a substitute until the end of the year
Sarita Rabe, K
Miquel Blanes, 2nd
Tomas Gonda, 3rd - retiring
Victor Torres, 3rd - going back to Spain after the 3 year program has expired
Jorge Guiral, 5th
Laura Hofer, ESL
Ken Friel, Math Interventionist - moving to RMS because his position was reduced to a .6
Tania Hultengren, SpEd - going to Bloomington
Budget decisions were made based on full-time allocations by the district and district decisions to keep specialists at full time to prevent movement from other schools.
We had to make a decision and HR and accounting told us to be consistent with the other buildings
Sarah Miziorko from RMS will be joining RDLS as the math interventionist
Our student engagement specialist position was posted today for 5 days a week. This is a paraprofessional position. The role is to be proactive and create plans for students that need extra support, and also support teachers in creating community in the classroom.
Thank you to the PTSO for all of the support you have given RDLS throughout the school year. The financial support is greatly appreciated, and it is always appreciated to have food for conferences
29th May, 6pm-8pm - End of the Year Picnic/Potluck!
We need extra tables for food.
Amanda from RPS district office & Janet, VP from CEL branding
Project to look at RPS logo, tag line, and change it.
After many sessions, we came up with a logo, and got feedback, and the new logo (2nd version) is presented tonight.
Visuals - vibrant, forward-moving, innovative district
Solid contemporary brand, the R in the logo was different in 45 of 60 slides, so we needed to make the R unified and consistent. It is a hand drawn R. The history of the diamonds at RHS awning and spartan diamonds will be incorporated into the R.
Recommendation is to keep each school’s mascot - butterfly and book can be on t-shirts
The new color is cardinal red (2nd version)
RDLS - Richfield Dual Language Elementary vs. Richfield Dual Language School is currently being discussed by leadership
4 Pillars - Enriching and Accelerating Learning
Real community
Personalized Learning
Brand Manual will come out and be translated when brand is adopted by the school board
Treasurer's report circulated