October 9th, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Post date: Oct 11, 2018 12:26:56 AM
PTSO Meeting/Coffee with the Principal
Welcome and Activity
Activity from Innocent Classroom: a program that all teachers, admin, and staff are going through this year - http://innocentclassroom.com/
Summary of the start of the 2018/2019 school year
All PTSO meetings will be conducted in both English and Spanish. Agendas will be shortened to ensure that the meetings remain the same length.
Enrollment: 472 including 40 in pre-k
Workshop Week:
Lucy Calkins reading curriculum
High Expectations, Achievable Goals
Reading units of study… (5-6 weeks, varies by grade)
A Clear Instructional Arc
Focuses on more than just the level the student is reading at
Provides a range of strategies which focus on non-verbal communication skills to manage classroom groups
Systematic approach to managing four distinct parts of a lesson
A vehicle to influence
2 hour refresher for trained staff
1 day training for new staff
Observations of staff
Renewing contract – peer reviewers (2)
Renewing contract on cycle – administrator (1) and peer reviewer (1)
Probationary – administrator (3)
Probationary – mentor (peer reviewer)
9 new teachers this year; 2 brand new to teaching, 2 from Spain
SES – Student Engagement Specialist
New position this year: Meghan
Amities: Santiago – Columbia; Marta – Spain; Nestor – Columbia
Need winter clothing for Santiago and Nestor. Clothing has been purchased; how can we support the purchase?
Approximately $300 has been spent, but all amities could use new/better boots.
Ann, Yesenia are heading to a sale this weekend. Will look into getting some boots in different sizes to store in the basement.
Ann: other dual schools ask parents to contribute some money for the amities every year. $5 per family per year might be appropriate for RDLS families? This could be used for winter clothing and incidentals.
Important: Amities do not receive their first stipend for their work here until the end of October/beginning of November.
Polly: can we see the amity contract/does it clarify what is the responsibility of the host families? There is a lot of grey area here.
Need to develop a sustainable program going forward to support the amity program.
Sra. Marta: we need to have a meeting between the PTSO Board and the Amity program.
Book of the Month Program
Each month teachers will receive a selected book that lends itself to conversations around culture, race, and equity.
Our First Book: All the Colors We Are: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color
Windows & Mirrors: windows – see outside of themselves and their world (perspective-taking); mirrors – see themselves reflected in the curriculum.
Project cost is $1783 for the school year
We have applied for a grant for $750 of that. Won’t know if we received the grant until the end of November.
Sheridan Hills began the program in the district. We have selected bilingual books and/or Spanish books.
Members approved the proposal – we will move forward with Book of the Month.
MCA Data – will be discussed next meeting
SIP (School Improvement Plan) – will be discussed next meeting
Audrey: Concordia Language Villages might provide opportunities for the amities; willing to take the lead on the Box Top program.