Meeting Minutes - December 18th, 2018
Post date: Dec 21, 2018 4:44:38 PM
Latin American Festival
Friday, Dec. 21st
9:00-10:00 (K-2nd)
10:15-11:15 (choir + 3rd-5th)
Furniture selection currently happening for the remodel
Remodel – bulk will be done this summer, but won’t be entirely complete until January 2020.
Furniture will be consistent across the district – all kindergarten classes will have the same furniture, etc.
Packing directions: January meeting with teachers
Classes end 6/5; everything needs to be packed 6/6.
Possibly we’ll need volunteers…Marta will let us know after January meeting.
PreK Registration
Registration is open right now!
Register at Central
Kindergarten registration
January 17th– 5:30-7:30pm
RDLS School-Wide Language Policy
In order to promote our students’ bilingual development, responsibility of all classroom teachers to model Spanish at all times in front of students, other than during the English instructional block.
Parents – please support the teachers in this. If you come to the classroom, all English conversation should take place outside the classroom/in the hallway.
Application – how many amities do we want?
Asked for 4, not sure how many we will get.
Stipend - amities receive $2300 for the entire year/10 months, and don't get a first payment until the END of October. This makes September-October challenging for amities and their host families.
Amities have to pay for lunch out of their own pockets. Other schools (Eden Prairie, Robbinsdale, Edina etc.) cover these lunches through the PTO budget.
Can PTSO provide a stipend to cover this next year and going forward? $300/amity is the ask from RDLS to PTSO ($300 only covers 80 days at the adult lunch price – this would just be to assist, would not cover a lunch every day for the entire year).
What can we do this year?
Might individuals sponsor an amity?
What about an amity specific fundraiser?
Does the amity's stipend cut into the school’s budget?
No, each school has a budget for the year that they can use with some discretion.
Amities cost the school $5,000/each – the bulk of that money is for the paperwork/program. Amities only get $2,200 (2018-2019); $2,300 (2019-2020).
Norms for staff going into the analysis
Be courageous in conversations
Assume positive intentions
Data Dialogue Record
Predict – what do you predict the MCA data is going to look like? (what was your essential learning and what will the data show?)
I predict… I wonder… I assume… I expect…
Go Visual – Make the data come alive through visual representations
Observe – what does the data show?
Observe – do not infer! Do not use “because” statements.
I observe… I notice… there is… I am struck by…
Infer & Question – consider the possible reasons for the results you observed
2018 MCA Reading Proficiency 3rd-5thgrade
Numbers have gone done across the district – including at RDLS
MCAs are testing student's reading proficiency in English – students only receive formal English instruction starting in 3rdgrade
Will our students always be tested in English?
Yes, Minnesota does not allow other languages for MCAs
MAP testing - we do test in Spanish but MAP is only through 2ndgrade
2018 MCA Math Proficiency – 3rd-5thgrades
Again numbers have gone down across the district – including at RDLS
School Improvement Plan [What actions will we take? What actions have been effective? What did people struggle with? What will you do to retest or refine, embed a change, reject a strategy, or create a new plan? What will you do for students who did not learn the material?]
Based on data dig done in June
Submitted on 9/1/2018
Revised and resubmitted quarterly
Title I school
Means all students can receive instructional benefits
You received and signed a form at Open House
Goals for 18-19 school year
Reading goal – 3% as a school
Math goal – 3% as a school
Summary – hard copy passed out at meeting
Professional Learning Community
Allison Wolf - Reading Specialist
Ken Friel - Math Specialist
Melissa Ness - Teaching Coach
Q: Can we incorporate a reading specialist night like the math specialist night?
REQUEST: $300 for headphones for after school learning center? Sra. Hultengren
Approved by majority!