March 20, 2018

Post date: Mar 21, 2018 11:15:33 PM

PTSO Meeting March 20, 2018

    1. Read A Thon participation was down as were donations but still a success. Congrats and thank you to Emily Gold for coordinating this and for all her new, fresh ideas.

    2. Had 2 movie nights in the last month. With the addition of “hall and gym monitors” both events were calmer and quieter than in years past. Thanks to everyone who volunteered.

    3. End of Year Family Picnic is scheduled for May 30th at 6pm at Veteran’s Park- Food assignments by grade will be sent home in May.

    4. New officers already being identified for next year’s PTSO board.

      1. Polly Inestroza has offered and agreed to take over at English speaking Co-president. She has been learning the ropes already!!!!

      2. Emily Overpeck has offered to take on the role of Treasurer. Emily and Erika will work together to transition that role over the coming months.

      3. Still in need of a new Secretary - please contact Amy Cook ( if you are interested. Secretary is a very simple job. Secretary attends two meetings per month and takes notes. Really great "starter" position!

    5. Update from Treasurer, Erika Garcia. She can’t be here tonight so update given by Carly.

      1. Combined profit from two movie nights: $576

      2. Cafe Zuppa Fundraiser: $99

      3. Conference Food Donations: $80

      4. Read-a-thon: $1120- down from $2128 last year

      5. Teacher Reimbursements: $2236 (final for the year)- 25 of 31 teachers submitted

      6. Expenses we have budgeted between now and next-year are:

        1. Garden: $300

        2. Fifth grade year-end: $350

        3. Picnic expenses: ??

        4. Teacher appreciation: ??

        5. Penn-Fest: ??

        6. T-shirts for students next year: $3000

      7. Parents’ Night Out

        1. $3008 was raised last year. We budgeted for $4000 this year.

      8. Current balance in our checking account is approx $10,500

      9. We are waiting for info from the district on financials related to the new playground and our contribution to that project.

    6. Updates from Sra. Marta for school year 2018-2019: Will have 3 sections of each grade level.

    7. Yearbooks - Sufficient orders were placed to move forward. PTSO voted to buy 5 additional for families to purchase and a parent committed to buy another 5 for this purpose. Two were purchased for amities.

    8. Parent Happy Hour & Silent Auction- April 14th and the VFW in Richfield 5-8pm. Tickets will be $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Yesenia Barcenas has offered to provide child care during this event IF someone will help her. If you are willing to help Yesenia watch children at her home during the silent auction, please contact her at:

    9. K-2 math night coming up on April 10th.