April 17, 2018
Post date: Apr 17, 2018 7:41:21 PM
Sra. Marta presented the following information:
The district is projecting the following enrollment numbers for next year:
K=80, 1st=79, 2nd=63, 3rd=65, 4th=72, 5th=78 If accurate, that would mean 3 sections per grade level.
RDLS will be hiring one 1st and one 5th grade teacher to teach these additional sections.
District is considering adding a 2nd section of PreK and has applied for grant money to fund it. There is currently a waiting list of 24 students for PreK at RDLS.
RDLS has secured 2 amities for next year, and has applied for 2 more.
Resignations for next year include: 1 ESL teacher, Srta.Alba in Kinder, and 1 Special Ed Teacher
Due to increased number of sections, all specialists (Media, PE, Art & Music) will be at least a .8 FTE next year
G/T will remain at .5 FTE, math interventionist at 1 FTE, reading interventionist at .5 FTE, and ELL at 3.0 FTEs
Sra. Marta also reported on a proposal to have the Heart of the Dance program at RDLS: https://www.heartofdancemn.org/ The district is considering this program for all 4 elementaries. STEM may be piloting it this spring. The cost is $4000, which would provide 10 lessons to each 5th grade class. The instruction supports both music and PE standards. RDLS would provide $2000 of funding and the PTSO is being asked to consider providing the other $2000. We will need to vote on this expenditure at the next PTSO meeting at 6 p.m . on May 15th.
Building Update planning is underway. A Core Planning Group comprised of students, staff and administrators is meeting to discuss needs/design plans. Group toured 4 other schools for ideas.
Urban Wildland Event will be July 28th. Volunteers will be needed to staff water stations. Look for more information in the future.
Testing has begun at RDLS. MCA & NWEA schedules are posted on the school website: https://www.richfieldschools.org/rdls
PTSO Agenda
We still need a PTSO secretary for the 2018-2019 school year. This volunteer position requires taking notes at 2 meetings per month. SO EASY! Contact Amy Cook (amycook2066@gmail.com) if interested.
Silent Auction Update: 65 people braved the blizzard to attend and $4000 was raised. Expenses were underwritten by 4 local businesses, which was a huge help. Will be seeking new venue next year, as the VFW was very difficult to work with. THANK YOU JEN CONNOLLY AND TEAM for all your hard work on this event.
Meeting Attendees unanimously approved continuing to alternate PTSO meetings between morning and evening for the 2018-2019 school year.
It was proposed the school safety committee be re-formed to discuss issues at school, especially getting students safetly across nearby streets to get to and from school.
The Great RDLS Book Exchange is off to a great start! More Spanish books are needed!
PTSO has approximately $5000 to spend. Discussed possible uses for funds. Ideas included:
Welcome Gifts for incoming Kindergarden families: Welcome Letter, magnet or bumper sticker, Spanish book, etc, packaged nicely...estimated cost of $15/gift
Playground/Recess Bags - outdoor equipment to use at Recess- balls, jumpropes, etc.
Book in Spanish for each student to take home at summer break, to supplement The Book Exchange
Heart of Dance program mentioned above: https://www.heartofdancemn.org
Garden to Classroom Program - taught by outside professional at approx. $100/lesson
Help fund field trips, or transportation costs for field trips
Next Meeting: 6 p.m. on May 15th, 2018 in RDLS gym