Meeting Minutes - May 16, 2017
Post date: May 17, 2017 2:51:44 PM
1. Richfield Friendship City Commission Event to be held June 24th at 2:30 p.m. A sculpture of a girl playing soccer, created and donated by a preeminent Costa Rican Sculptor, will be dedicated at this event, RDLS students will present artwork and sing some songs under the direction of Juan Figueroa, RMS teacher. All current and former RDLS students are invited to participate in the singing. If your child would like to sing at this event, please meet at Heredia Park at 1:30 p.m. on June 24th to prepare with Sr. Figueroa. Refershments will be served after a short dedication ceremony. It is not necessary to RSVP, but an RSVP to the Facebook Group would be helpful to make sure we know we have a good number of kids coming:
2. Playground Update - PTSO has a $43,000 in playground account. We did not receive grant support this year. Superintendent and Director of Facilities and Grounds are in support of the project. Forward motion will be dependent on the outcome of next November's Referendum.
3. End of year picnic and 10 year celebration - RDLS is 10 years old this year and we will be celebrating at the annual family picnic on May 31st, from 5:30-7:30 at Veteran's Park. Former students and staff have been invited to join all current RDLS families to celebrate this milestone. Researching possibility of providing cake for everyone. Donation options discussed.
4. PTSO Board for next school year.
English speaking co-president: OPEN (Carly is willing to continue if absolutely necessary, but she has served FOUR YEARS on the board already. She has worked very hard for our community, please consider stepping up to give her a break!! (See below for all the lovely people you would get to hang out with! ;) )
Spanish speaking co-president: Yesenia Barcenas
Treasurer: Erika Garcia
Volunteer Coordinator: Reem Reyes
Staff Representative: Mary Abel
Secretary: Amy Cook
Fundraising Coordinator: Jen Connolly is willing to work on fundraising with one or more partners. If you are willing to be one of those partners, please contact Carly Kidd at Emily Overpeck volunteered to coordinate restaurant fundraisers.
5. Next year's PTSO meeting Schedule: Meetings will alternate between 6 p.m. on Tuesday and 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday
6. Treasurer update: We are on track to start next year with $3000
7. Sra. Marta's updates: 2 Amities are hired for next year. If host families are secured we will request a 3rd. An Amity Coordinator is needed for next year to work together with the new Outreach Worker. An RDLS bumper sticker should be ready by the fall. The whole district will be marching together in this year's 4th of July parade, instead of us indidual schools planning their own participation. Next year's Open House will be August 31st from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
8. Garden Update: Ken Friel and Erika Garcia are working on revitalizing the school garden. There will be opportunities for family particpation!