April 19, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Post date: Apr 19, 2017 2:04:25 PM
1. Fifth Grade RDLS/STEM Choir performance. They were great!
2. Grant/Playground updates: We did not receive the Hennepin County playground grant. It was awarded to the Richfield campus of Seven Hills, which currently has no playground at all. We will hear about US Bank grant in next two weeks. District Facility Planning Committee has also prioritized playground updates high on their to-do list, so there are still options.
3. Family Fun Night Friday, April 21st, 6-8 p.m. - DJ Dance Party. There will be a selfie station, pizza, root bear floats, and popcorn, in addition to a DJ and dancing. Admission is $2 Bracelets to support student Rissy Schafer who is undergoing cancer treatment will also be for sale.
4. PTSO Board Elections will be in May. Nominees are being contacted. Candidates are still being accepted for English speaking President, Spanish Speaking President, Volunteer Coordinator and FundRaising Coordinator. Contact CarlyKidd at carly@kids.net or any other board member to submit a nomination for yourself or someone else.
5. Teacher Appreciation week in May: PTSO will provide lunch to teachers on Thursday and a small token of appreciation on Monday
6. Final Happy Hour Totals: $3000 was raised for our school.
7. Friendship City Commission Event on June 24th: Host families needed. Students will sing school song. Seeking adult to help lead singing.
8. District Budget: Waiting for outcome of Education Funding Bill. Governor is predicted to veto the bills currently in House and Senate. Governor's version provides much more school funding - you can call your representatives to voice your support for the Governor's version of the Education Bill.
9. Due to predicted budget cuts and reduced enrollement district-wide, RDLS has had to cut 2 classroom teachers, 1 literacy specialist, and reduce media, library, gym, art and music to .75 per postion
10. Currently have 2 amities committed for next year. They are 28 and 29 years old and come from Colombia and Spain. Would like to hire 1-2 more, but need more host families first. Next year there will be a written contract outlining expectations of both amities and host families to avoid conflict and confusion.
11. Looking into cost of making/selling school bumper stickers to get the word out about our school. Need someone to create a design. Are you a creative person with an idea for a bumper sticker? Let us know!