PTSO Meeting Minutes - May 17, 2016
Post date: May 20, 2016 1:39:48 AM
End of year picnic will be June 1st. Flyer will be coming home soon. Some of next year’s new teachers will attend!
Fundraising efforts made $22,000 this year.
May Family Fun night raised $800.
Fundraising committee will be sending out a parent survey.
Play ground account is at $30,595. The goal is $45,000 by next spring
Sra. Marta presented the Focus School end of year update. RDLS will be formally re-evaulated at the end of 2017.
First PTSO meeting in September will be a social hour
Five Amities have been secured for next year: 3 women from Spain, 1 man from Chile, and 1 man from Colombia
Fall book sale will be a Scholastic Book Fair. Spring sale will be a vendor of Spanish Books. Scholastic will not allow us to host another vendor at the same time as their Book Fair.