PTSO Meeting Minutes - December 15, 2015
Post date: Dec 16, 2015 3:27:56 PM
PTSO Meeting - December 15, 2015
1. President’s Notes (Carly Kidd)
Lawn Bag Fundraiser Update: Considering ways to reduce up front costs. Possibilities include presales and forgoing the stamping for the first order. Also, could stamp with “I support our schools,” which would allow them to be sold more easily outside of our school district.
Website: No updates to report
Little Free Libraries: No updates to report
Vendor Night: PTSO is not going to pursue this idea at this time. If someone wants to run an event like this, they can.
PTSO would like to participate in Kindergarten round up by providing each student/family who attends a book. Consulting with Amy Ponce re: a good book to use - hopefully something in both English and Spanish. Will ask RBCU for funds to support this plan.
2. Amity program update (Phyllis Kern)
Program is going well this year.
Next year we hope to have 6 Amities, so we need 12 host families. Four have committed at this point. Sra.Marta needs to apply soon, so host family commitments are needed ASAP.
A new Amity program coordinator is needed for next year. Please contact Phyllis with questions.
3. Treasurer Update (James VerSteeg)
After settling up with Chip Shoppe, current balance is $29,501
$25,000 of balance is designated for new playground
4. Fundraising Coordinator (Betsy Lindow)
Next event is a DJ Dance Party on Jan. 29th; will include timed raffles. Pizza, popcorn and a treat will be for sale as well.
Student council will run a book drive Jan. 11-22. Collected books will be distributed to RDLS families at the Family Fun Night
The Read A Thon will be in February. Megan Ritchie is working on arranging an author visit and book giveaway for this event. PTSO Meeting attendees approved up to $700 for this expense.
Parent Happy Hour will be March 19th. Donations are needed for the Silent Auction held at this event. Contact Betsy if you have a donation for the auction.
Next Meeting: January 19, 2016