PTSO Meeting Minutes - 9/22/2015

Post date: Oct 5, 2015 2:15:03 PM

1. Sra Marta present information on the upcoming referendum, the strategic plan, and the school improvement plan. She also shared the district's new mission statement: Richfield Public Schools inspires and empowers each individual to learn, grow and excel.

2. Presidents's report

*Tickets distributed to attendees for meeting raffle. Everyone in attendance gets a ticket. Additional tickets are received for asking questions and

making comments. Drawing held at the end of the meeting.

*Board Introductions

*Playground update: Total cost of $150,000; PTSO needs to raise 25% or about $45,000, which will likely take this year and next year to raise. Carly is

waiting to follow up with the new Buildings and Grounds Director who doesn't start until the end of Sept.

*Spirit Wear - available at Information Nights, otherwise contact Mike DeRoma.

*Amities were introduced and presented with RDLS sweatshirts. If you would be interested in hosting an Amity next year, it is not too soon to contact

Phyllis Kern to discuss.

3. Treasurer's report

*Current fund balance is $20,300; $16,500 is earmarked for the playground. $2100 was raised on sales of used uniforms and Spirit Wear at the Open

Houses. Way to go Danielle Barr and Mike DeRoma!

*Teacher reimbursement forms have been distributed. All classroom teachers are eligible to have $100 of their supply costs covered by the PTSO.

Specialists may also apply for these funds.

4. Volunteer Coordinator Report

*Room Parents are still needed especially upper grades; Spanish speakers are needed in most grade levels. Contact Stephanie Spencer to volunteer.

*Box top deadline for fall submission is Nov. 2nd. Please turn in box tops in the bins in the front entry way!

*Carnvial will be held Oct. 2nd. Volunteers still needed.

*Book Fair held during conferences will also need 40 volunteers.

*Sign up will also be coming to provide food for conferences

5. Fundraising Report

*Carnival coming up Oct. 2nd

*Chip Shoppe launch is Sept. 30th; orders due Oct. 31st; delivery Dec. 2nd. Mike DeRoma is the contact person.

6. New Business

*Need money approval for printing school directories.

*Several ideas were proposed to increase the number of books in our school and in our students' homes. Ideas will be submitted to Board for further


7. Old Business

*David McGrath is building a pedestal for the Little Free Library in the front entryway.