PTSO Meeting Minutes - 10/20/2015

Post date: Oct 21, 2015 3:02:22 PM

*Presentation by Tina Lavin from CQC, a citizen group working to support passage of the referendum. There are two upcoming events where parents can help support the referendum:

1. Volunteers are needed to staff a phone bank from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday Oct. 25th at MarketPlace Home Mortgage. Please RSVP to help with this event by e-mailing them through their website at:

2. Volunteers are needed for a city-wide literature drop the weekend of Oct. 31st. Please come to the High School flagpole entrance, between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on the morning of Oct. 31st to pick up flyers to deliver to neighborhood homes. No RSVP is required. Volunteers will be assigned an area of the city to deliver flyers and provided with the flyers. This is a fun way to involve the whole family in supporting our schools.

*We are continuing to explore the idea of a community-wide book drive to get books into the homes of our students. Another possibility is to expand our Little Free Library program. There is a box in the front entryway, and a post is being built for it. Sra. Dunne is checking with her husband to see if he might be willing to build two more to place in the school garden.

*Volunteers are needed to help count and sort ChipShoppe orders. If you would like to help, please come to the staff lounge at 6 p.m. Wed. Oct. 21st and bring your calculator.

*Playground Update: Carly has the names of the new Finance Director and the new Buildings & Grounds person and has e-mailed them re: playground plans.

*In future meetings Sra. Marta and various staff members will be presenting tips for supporting our students in particular academic areas.

*Website: We are discussing ways to make our Website available in both English and Spanish. One option is to pay $10/mo. for a site that would have a tab to choose whether you want to view the site in English or Spanish. Srta. Scott also suggested looking into WIX as an option for an improved free site. Either way, we will need to find someone willing to translate our site's content into Spanish.

*Treasurer report: Book Fair - RDLS earned $2300 in free books from Scholastic. The carnival raised just over $2000. The current PTSO balance is $22,500, most of which is earmarked for the playground.

*Fundraising Update:

-Movie night is coming up on November 13th. The movie will be shown in Spanish in the gym. Parents who have seen the movie said it is

enjoyed by a wide variety of ages and should be great for all of our students.

-Please continue to put your Box Tops for Education in the bin in the front entryway of the school.

-Back to School 5K had only about half the participation of previous years. Changes are being considered.