PTSO Meeting September 2014
Post date: Oct 17, 2014 10:30:26 PM
PTSO Meeting 9/23/2014
Secretary Report-
Spirit Wear-
Playground update
Book labelling
Homecoming parade
Treasurers report-
$3000 Amities
$1000 Teacher reimbursements
$700 Spirit Wear
Book Fair (upcoming)
Chip Shoppe (upcoming)
Fundraising Report-
Pizza Luce October 6th
Consignment sale-
Sale is this weekend
Volunteer Coordinator- Becca
Conference food
Book Fair Volunteers- Lucinda will be in charge of this
Amity Report-
Chitina- from Madrid, Spain (Kinder)
Natalya - from Spain (Kinder)
Yuly- Colombia- (3rd grade)
Martha- Colombia- (4th grade)
******Need donations of winter clothes- especially coats, hats, mittens, boots************
MCF update-
Looking for ideas (dance, song, craft, food, presentation, etc)
Meeting Sept. 27th 9-10:30 at Carribou (Cedar and 66th)
Sra. Woods- Money request of $200 for Butterfly garden- motion made- 2nded and passed