PTSO Meeting March 18, 2014
Post date: Apr 16, 2014 2:48:01 AM
Sarah Hutton, RMS teacher:
Q. How can our kids be better prepared for RMS
A. Read, read, read. Read in spanish all summer.
Q. Is the Immersion Social Studies class too hard
A. No, students are prepared for the level of spanish and can succeed.
They see incredible things from our students. (Sarah and Juan Figuroa) High level of thinking and thinking outside the box.
Greater percentage of RDLS students on the honor roll. RDLS kids make up 15% of the RMS 6th grade class. They make up 40% of the honor roll.
Sra. Marta talke about the school budget and cuts to be made. We are slated for 18.6 teachers next year. One teacher will be cut from this years budget. Art, Music and Phys Ed will be cut from 1.0 to a .9 position. Social worker cut by .2
Sra. Marta also handed out a sample letter to write and send to The Board of Education and others to change the rules that our Immersion teachers need to pass the same tests as regular teachers.
There is a program that brings Spanish speaking teachers to the US from other countries to teach for 3 years. RDLS will have one next year.
Amy Cook taled about the proposed school day changes.
Treas report: Teresa handed out a budget
Fundraising Chair: Betsy not there. Sent me her report. Margarita talked about the consignment sale.
Vol. Coord. : No report? I didn't write anything
MCF: Eve spoke - things are coming together. It's going to be a great event
Amity: We have 3 confirmed; 2 from Spain and 1 from Columbia. Sent an offer to another person from Columbia. No response yet.
No Treasure nominations. Megan Ritchie said she would do it if nobody else volunteered.