PTSO Meeting Jan. 2014
Post date: Feb 19, 2014 3:27:24 PM
PTSO Meeting 1/21/14
1. 23 adults in attendance
2. Student council- voting will be in Feb. Term will run through November
3. Treasurer’s Report: FFN: $900 in profit, $500 in expenses Currently have about $15,000 in account
4. Scholastic Book Fair next month- . Feb. 12th (night) and all day Feb. 13, Lucinda and James VerSteen will shadow Teresa Kemmer so they are prepared to take this over next school year,
5. Volunteer Coordinator: Need people for March 21st FFN, Creating a fundraising committee for Betsy (4 people so far), Need people for Book Fair, Need conference food coordinator, Need Treasurer for next year
6. Spending money on books- request for funds- about $7000- every grade would get books- motion made, seconded and proposal passed
7. Proposal to give art program $600 to replenish supplies- motioned, seconded and passed
8. Wells Fargo- RDLS has an account set up- any donations given through this account will be doubled by WF
9. Read-a thon- 2 weeks instead of a whole month- Will run Feb. 1-15- Top prize is Kindle Fire- AMC gift cards- will be grade level competitions, If whole school reads 125,000 minutes all students will receive an out of uniform day
10. Pizza Luce- April 7th- October 6th
11. March FFN: Community event 2 bounce houses in gym (from Chip Shoppe) and DJ in cafeteria- March 21st
12. MCF- Upcoming planning meetings: Sat. Jan. 25th & Feb. 22 from 9-10am at Caribou at Cedar/66th. Thurs., Jan. 30 & Feb. 27th 1-2 pm in Sra. Marta’s office. All are welcome.
Volunteers needed- set up- ticket tables, classroom presentations, clean-up