PTSO Meeting April 15, 2014
Post date: Apr 16, 2014 2:50:59 AM
1. RDLS/STEM 5th Grade choir performed
2. Treasurer update- Teresa not here- final update in May
3. Fundraising Chair report- Carnival is next Friday, April 25th 5:30-8:30,
4- Volunteer Coordinator Report- Need some volunteers for Carnival- final event of year
5. MCF Report- Eve T.- May 17th- 10am-2pm- Every Class is doing something (4 classes doing a dance, 14 classes doing a country), $2 entry fee, additionals like face painting, balloon animals, arabic writing, henna?, raffle tickets available for prizes, Aly Olson is making contacts for volunteers, Aly Olson will use Sign Up Genius for other volunteers, Fun Club making Spanish signs for school,
Mexican Folk, Aztec Dancers, Bollywood Dancers, Pan African Group
6. Amity Update- We have 3 hired- 2 from Spain and 1 from Colombia, working on finding 4th
7. Treasurer Nominations- Megan Ritchie willing, will vote at May PTSO meeting
8- Consignment Sale- April 25, 26th, collections will continue through April 18th
9- Little Free Library- Cindy Lybeck needs to check with Sra. Kraus about painting/decorating it- Will be put into corner of front entry
10- Discussion on providing about $200 to 2nd grade for an upcoming field trip, Motioned, 2nded and passed
11- Discussion on providing $125 to 5th grade for their spelling bee on April 23rd, motioned, 2nded and passed
12- Calendar Committee update from Marta- survey results show majority want Option C- which is no change- no final decisions made yet- seems like
13- Final SPAC meeting April 24th 7pm at District Office, Incoming Superintendent Steve Unowski will be at this meeting
14- Alicia Huerta- Anaya798-6726- New office assistant- in charge of transportation-