PTSO Meeting 5/20/14
Post date: May 21, 2014 4:54:13 PM
PTSO Meeting May 20, 2014
1. Sra. Marta
Amities- Sara Hutton asked if we could spread the word to try to help find a coordinator (like Phyllis Kern here). Once they have a coordinator, they could try to find host families, then hiring.
Coffee Maker- Old one broke. Marta purchased a new one for about $250. She asked teachers to chip in and there is a balance of about $100. Could the PTSO, support the balance? Motion made, seconded and passed.
Karen Sherman- Asking for “Lunch Lady” Spanish books. Food service bought the English set. Set in Spanish would be $28? Looking for 10, so $280. Discussion about why the cost for Spanish version is so high when English book is only $7. Hoping to find them cheaper. Motion made to give $150 to try to buy the books. Seconded and passed.
2. Sra. Hendrickson- Americorp math tutor needed. Must be 18 years old. Would like some Spanish.
3. Treasurer Report- See updated budget
Higher income and higher expenses (mostly due to book purchases)
4. Fundraising Report-
Consignment Sale- Made $1500!!
Pizza Luce April? Haven’t received check yet- we need to contact manager
Carnival- Profit of $1,396.85
MCF- waiting for final numbers from Eve
5. Multicultural Festival Report-
-Focus was educational, not financial, we did make money-but was not focus
-Feedback: Liked foodtrucks (luckily the weather cooperated), Liked orange tshirts for being able to find volunteers, teacher activites/organization was great, Loved the henna
-Suggested improvements: Food was expensive, need more balloon makers, advertise to preschools in area (especially Spanish preschools like Rayito or Joyce)
6. New Treasurer- James VerSteeg
New Volunteer Coordinator- Becca Patenaude
Need a new co-president- Hoping Margarita Pacheco-Aguilar will do it
7. 4th of July parade? Motion made to pay for float and parade entrance fee (Mike will take care of paperwork for parade entrance and ordering float), seconded and passed, need hitch (Eve), need sound system (will need to get from school on July 3rd)