RDLS PTSO Meeting Notes from 03/15/2011
Post date: Mar 19, 2011 2:34:39 AM
PTSO Meeting 03/15/2011
1. Conference Week Wrap Up – Cindy Lybeck – Book Fair gross receipts $3,037.52 of product sold/$1500 profit $2276 in money and free product/credits.
2. Pennies for Patients Assembly Wrap Up – Melissa - $2,106 monies collected and donated; great coverage in The Sun Current on RDLS and the event.
3. SCRIP Fundraiser – Melissa Campana – School will sell gift cards for local businesses as well as national businesses; school will receive 10-20% cut of proceeds; Looking for volunteer to coordinate. Contact Melissa.Campana@richfieldk12.mn.us
4. El Dia de Nino –Carey S – Funds were approved to purchase 22 copies of book to have a reading event in April; Each classroom will receive copies as well as the media center.
5. Purchase Request Form PTSO Monies – Jen S - Purchase request form to be uploaded to www.RDLSPTSO.org website
6. Read-A-Thon – Brett – Please bring in pledge money by March 25th; volunteers are needed to count monies on Saturday March 26th at 10AM. Bring a calculator and pencil.
7. ART ADVENTURES - Amazing Animals in Art-Second Grade RDLS teacher Cara Daza has been trained to teach this course at our school. If you are interested in being a trained volunteer, sign up for training at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA). Training held on Tuesday 03/29/2011 10:30 AM cost $12. Contact Cara Daza or the MIA for more details 612 870-6323.
8. Spring Fundraiser – Culvers/Davanni’s/Chipotle – Feedback from group was more positive for Culver’s and other local business for fundraiser.
9. SPAC Report – Budget issues – District-wide, 17 staff member positions will be cut; but there is a chance these positions will be refilled as enrollment numbers are on an upward trajectory. District class sizes are increasing: Kinder - 2nd grade 27 students; 3rd grade – 5th grade 28.5-29.5 students. On a positive note, District-wide Kindergarten registration is up 50 students over last year. School Board is looking at a referendum in the fall which would equate to roughly $84 per house based at an assessed value of $180,000. District is looking for volunteers for a VOTE YES committee which needs volunteers; Richfield Summer Academy targeted for summer after school year of 2011-2012
10. Multi-Cultural Fair Planning including Book Swap MAY 21st – Stacey Gibbs – in the process of gathering books for the swap; note went home in Thursday folders notifying the student body; trying to find place to store the supplies. Bring your books anytime soon. Next Multicultural Fair planning meeting 03/22/2011 4pm in the cafeteria. If you know of business contacts who would like to vend food or wares, please let Luis know. Please come and join us in the planning of this awesome event!
11. Treasurer’s Report - $9800 funds available in checking/savings.
12. Year End Picnic Planning – Save the date FRIDAY JUNE 3RD 5pm - 7:30pm; shelter has been reserved at Veteran’s Park. Contact Jody Di Grazia to volunteer.
13. Kinder Round Up Thursday 5pm-6:30pm Contact Gina Schneeberger to volunteer to sell Spirit Wear
14. Entertainment Book Discounts – Representative not able to attend meeting due to illness. Adults in attendance at meeting will be given a book for showing up. Please see signup sheet at door.
15. Next Richfield School Board meeting at being held at RDLS on Monday 03/21/2011 at 7pm. This meeting is open to RDLS families to attend and participate
16. Election of New Officers – Looking for a new English Speaking President; Colleen Nollenberger will stay on as Treasurer; Joy Jurewicz will stay on as English Secretary; we are looking for a Spanish speaking Secretary to take notes in Spanish. Gina Schneeberger will stay on as Volunteer Coordinator and we are looking for a Spanish Speaking Coordinator;
17. Brian Zambrino – Principal of RMS will speak at next PTSO meeting (04/19/2011 at 6pm) on collaborating with our students as they move to the middle school in 2.5 years. Looking to gather facts and ideas on the Dual Language model. He is committed to continuing the Dual Language model at RMS.
18. Family Movie Night – Save the date: April 8th at 7pm; Possible movie ideas:
Toy Story 3/Despicable Me/Finding Nemo.
19. Composting has begun at RDLS. Karen reported that things are going smoothly in cafeteria and children are catching on. Next step is to compost the paper towels in the bathroom.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
· Monday March 21st @ 7pm – Richfield School Board Meeting at RDLS cafeteria
· Tuesday March 22nd @ 4pm – Multicultural Fair planning meeting RDLS cafeteria
· Saturday March 26th @ 10am meet in cafeteria to count money for Read A Thon. Bring a pencil and calculator if possible.
· Tuesday March 29th @ 10:30am – Minneapolis Institute of Arts training for Art Adventures
· Friday April 8th @ 7pm – RDLS Family Movie Night – RDLS gym
· Tuesday April 19th 6pm next PTSO Meeting
· Saturday May 21st 10am - 3pm Multicultural Fair
· Friday June 3rd @ 5:30-7:30pm End of Year Picnic at Veteran’s Park
Please check out the RDLS PTSO website for more information and volunteer opportunities www.rdlsptso.org