RDLS PTSO Meeting Minutes for 02/15/2011
Post date: Feb 27, 2011 3:56:11 AM
PTSO Meeting Notes 02/15/2011
1. Dollies for musical instruments – Sra. Lubbe – Matt and Kelly Johnson completed the project and the dollies are working out very well - everyone is quite pleased. The students signed thank you cards for the Johnsons.
2. Pennies for Patients – Melissa C. - Last push this week for program. Lots of excitement and $700 goal has been exceeded. Melissa will take $$ to bank and have classroom totals. Rep Kelly Velazquez from the Leukemia – Lymphoma Society will be onsite Wed Fed 23rd 1pm - 1:45pm to show a video and follow with info on how the money is used. Random prizes will be distributed including a pie throwing contest. Bret will contact the print media and Kate Clarity will contact TV stations. Reporters can contact Melissa Campana
3. PTSO Website – RDLSPTSO.org Purchase Request Forms now available on site as well as info on events. Joy will send link via Facebook group to drive traffic to new site.
4. Signs for classrooms – Luis V. New signage display progress – Luis working with team of parents on design. If interested, please contact Luis via email.
5. El Dia de Nino – Melissa – Feedback from staff was that it was a great idea and they would be happy to have parents come in to read the book to the class. April 30 is the date for the event.
6. Movie Night - was a great success! Great mix of families and an excellent community building event. $378 profit. Comments that it brought our community together. Looking at doing an event every other month - like Open Gym Night/Movie Night to bring community together.
7. PTSO Financials - Savings $6500; Checking $3000
New Business
8. Book Fair – Clean Up 7:30pm on Thursday. Always looking for volunteers to help out. Drop on by.
9. Food for Teachers - reminders by Aly Olson to drop on by food for Wed and Thursday
10. READ-A-THON in full swing. Will need volunteers at end to count up hours and money; will need volunteers at ice cream party to hand out prizes. Dates to follow – 1pm. Turn in forms prior to Spring Break leave.
11. www.goodsearch.com – Fundraiser for school. Pays 1c per search; will need to research and circle back at next PTSO meeting.
12. MULTI CULTURAL FAIR – School-wide celebration in May. Expose children to other traditions and cultures by broadening their horizons through the arts - dance groups, musical presentations as well as student presentations. Please contact Luis with any business contacts of individuals who are interested in performing, vending food, or other aspect. Look for informational meetings and planning coming soon in Aleteos from Luis.
13. Year End Picnic – Jodi D -Late May Veterans Park – June 3rd last Friday before end of school – POT LUCK; fun way to end the year. Will need people to with help set up and clean up.
14. Superintendent’s Meeting – Summer Academy will go forward but in 2012. All Richfield students would have a the free option to attend; Richfield enrollment is trending up; Retaining more students in the district
15. SCRIP – Fundraiser – Purchase gift cards to businesses such as SA; Applebee’s; AMC movies; Panera, Borders, Rainbow foods; CUB; Holiday and RDLS would get a percentage (15%) of the overall total spend. More to come on this as to frequency – once a year or on-going/on-hand.
16. Chipotle Fundraiser – Manager will visit school and conduct demonstration on using natural ingredients in making guacamole; looking at fundraiser where 20% of register receipts during a 4 hour block will be donated to the school.
17. ZUMBA Classes - Karen Carillo knows an instructor who directs Zumba exercise classes in either English or Spanish classes for $5 per person. Willing to work with whatever numbers we can get. Send feedback to Melissa Campana.
18. Officer Elections – All positions up for elections - Keep this in mind if you would like to hold a leadership position for 2 years.
19. SRA FONTES is out for 6 weeks. Looking for volunteers to make meals for her, drop her note, etc. Please contact school for information.
20. KIDLINKS-website Jennifer Sanchez – ideas on how to incorporate more Spanish literacy.
21. Composting at RDLS - Feb 28 Group from RHS coming in to show how to compost during lunches. Long term to create a Vermite-composting and school garden; all elementary schools in district will begin composting with the end product being used for bedding in area projects. $10,000 grant received by RHS. Will be brought into cirrculum.