PTSO Meeting Notes 05/17/2011
Post date: May 19, 2011 3:46:03 AM
PTSO Meeting Notes
1. Culver’s Night Fundraiser
Profit $375
2. 4th of July Float Update
Registered with City of Richfield, float has been rented; Parade begins at 1pm; meet in parking lot of Augsburg Library; kids wear RDLS shirts; bring candy to hand out and water to cool off; bring yard signs to post on float; will have ride back to Augsburg on float.
3. Treasurer’s Report $12, 277.00 in available funds; report available from Colleen Nollenberger
4. Multicultural Fair Update
Confirm volunteers; Shifts include set up 10-12; 11:30-1:30 1-3pm and tear down; Friday night volunteer orientation meeting @7pm. Please contact Kate Clarity at 612 889-6871 or Volunteers wear t-shirts during shifts and will rotate in different roles. It is a lot of fun! Please help us out and meet a new member of our community.
5. Parent Involvement – Parent Mentoring Program
Mentors would reach out to incoming families to help them understand and help answer questions (uniforms, school activities, etc), encourage volunteering and engaging in school community (parents as well as kids).
6. School Garden – Karen – SHIP
The school received a $3,500 grant towards a garden/outdoor class room. Funds need to be used by end of June. Luis Versalles and Melissa Campana covering curriculum. Need help to install on west side of the building. Master Gardner involved in drawing up plan of 6 raised bed plantings with pergola and outdoor seating fenced in area. Will be handicapped accessible. We need volunteers to help dig posts for fence and other manual labor. Contact Karen Sherman
7. Year End Picnic Update
Note will be going out in Thursday folders with details on picnic. Also looking for volunteers to help with set up and to welcome incoming kindergarten parents to our community.
8. Discussion on Paper Reduction
Trying to move to reducing number of flyers coming home – moving towards a website; we need to be mindful of families without internet access.
9. Community Outreach Report
Park Clean-Up Day had 40 volunteers help clean up Christian Park on Saturday May 7th. Article will follow in the Sun Current Paper. Good liaison into the community.
10. RDLS Advocacy Group Report
Lisa Hintermeister is leading this group of parents who are concerned with the opportunities for RDLS students after they move to RMS. National two-way immersion conference which focuses on middle school will be held June 27 in Sacramento, CA. In the meantime, members continue to attend SPAC meetings and district meetings. Please contact Lisa Hintermeister for more information.
11. Entertainment Discounts and Promos
Lisa Welch from the Entertainment Book marketed her companies Fundraising opportunities. School would receive $10 per book profit; books sell for $30 each and there is an incentive program which is run by the marketing group. New books come out at the end of August. Mobile apps coming too; complimentary books to school staff. Other fundraising ideas include Cookie Dough selling opportunity – 45% profit with an incentive program. Group also has connections with bounce-house and other retailers who offer discounts for parent groups. Group would also donate items for a silent auction.
12. RDLS Field Day
P.E. teachers are looking for many Volunteers to help pull this off on June 10th. Kinder through 1st grade 9:15am – 10:45am; 2nd and 3rd graders in afternoon 12:15-1:45pm. Please contact or for more info.
Special thanks to Bret Behnke for his service as PTSO President!!!!