September 21, 2010
Post date: Feb 18, 2010 2:40:27 AM
RDLS PTSO Meeting Notes
September 21, 2010
Childcare During Meetings
Growing PTSO will require more childcare help.
High school students can volunteer for community service hours, may need at least one staff member to help out as well.
Decision: Pay $20 for the first hour for each staff member, $10 per hour for each additional hour, and also request that parents donate $1 per kid on top of hourly rate.
Treasurer’s Report
Assets (checking and savings ) = $8,376.68
Expected income for the 2010-2011 school year: $5,500
Expected expenses for the 2010-2011 school year: $5,250
Expected expenses does not include some big one-time expenses that occurred last year, such as the laminator and the calculators. If something like this comes up this year we should use some of the existing savings to cover it.
Back to School Night (Oct 7 from 6 PM to 7:30 PM)
All families will be attending at the same time. Provides families the opportunity to learn information about the school and individual teachers/grades.
We will be able to use the Fun Club rooms for childcare until the gym is available.
Looking for volunteers to sell yard signs, uniforms, and spirit wear.
Suggestion to move these tables from the hallway to the cafeteria or another less congested area.
Spirit Wear
New designs this year. Last year we made $800 on spirit wear. So far this year we are breaking even. All t-shirts are $12, long-sleeved shirts are $20.
Conferences (Oct 19 & 20)
Tuesday Oct 19 from 4 PM – 8 PM, Wednesday Oct 20 from 8 AM – 8 PM
A grid will be up at Back to School Night so that parents can sign up for particular conference times.
Book Fair
Book fair will occur during conferences in October.
Sign up sheet is being circulated for volunteers to sign up for 2-hour blocks of time.
Money made from last book fair was split between books for classrooms and a one year subscription to “BookFLIX.” BookFLIX is an online tool for students, families and teachers to access interactive books online. A BookFLIX flier will be sent home in Thursday folders with username and password for kids to use at home.
There are not a lot of options for Spanish books from Scholastic. We may want to consider using the money towards BookFLIX each year.
3rd Grade Assignment Notebooks
These are not provided by the district and there is no money in the school budget to pay for them.
Approximate cost: $5 per notebook, total ~$400.
We will request that parents pay $5 for the notebooks. Any shortages will be paid for by the PTSO.
Request for Donations for P.E.
The P.E. teacher has requested Sit-n-Spins and small trampolines for one of the activity rooms.
Fall Conferences – Food for teachers
Last year the PTSO provided sub sandwiches and parent volunteers brought in various desserts for the teachers to eat on conference days, which are very long.
Need volunteer to be in charge of getting food and/or volunteers organized: Aly Olson
School Directory – Jen Spickelmeier, Coordinator
Forms went home in folders on September 17th
Need help for data entry, volunteers can contact Jen
Community Outreach Update – Megan Ritchie, Coordinator
Yard signs have been a success and are still available.
PTSO Newsletters will be sent home in Thursday folders once notes are available and have been translated.
Outreach workers district-wide are organizing an event, targeting families to get involved in the schools. More news to come.
Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council Meetings
Megan Ritchie attended last year. Any parents are encouraged to attend to represent RDLS.
Contact Pat Vaugn, Superintendent’s secretary if you want to attend and she will add you to the list.
Culver’s Night
We have done this twice a year at Culver’s in Bloomington. Currently considering Monday October 25th or Tuesday October 26th.
Topics for future meetings
Do we want to invest in a more prominent sign out in front of the school, possibly a marquee?
The existing playground is not as suitable for older grades. Do we want to expand it?